I am a fiddle player and teacher based in Bristol, UK. I play traditional Irish, Scots and English music on the fiddle, and am a well known player on the Irish session scene in London, Bristol and Bath. I play for a number of ceilidh bands in Bristol and the South West. I teach traditional fiddle lessons from my home in Bristol, for players of all standards from complete beginners to advanced players. I have 1000+ hours of one-to-one teaching experience, and excellent student feedback; currently I have 31 regular students. I also teach workshops on Irish fiddle playing.

Fiddle teaching
If you are interested in one-to-one lessons, either in person in Bristol, or online, or would like to know more about my fiddle workshops, take a look at my fiddle teaching page. You can also book lessons at my teaching site learntoplaythefiddle.co.uk. I am also planning to post more free online teaching videos, so check back here for those.
I make handmade leather goods, and am available to discuss commissions.

Academic work
You can find out more about my academic work, and my publications here.